Nintendo BrainAge, Lumosity, Happy Neuron, MyBrainTrainer…

A col­lec­tion of recent announce­ment in the “brain games” or “brain train­ing games” space: The Wii sets new gen­er­a­tional stan­dards for the videogame indus­try “The age­ing of the Japan­ese pop­u­la­tion com­pelled gamemak­er Nin­ten­do to widen its audi­ence. Now, the Wii is lead­ing the indus­try stan­dards. But hard­core gamers are still too impor­tant to be neglected.”…

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Newsweek on Evolution, DNA and The Brain

Great March 19th issue of Newsweek Mag­a­zine, announc­ing the hir­ing of sci­ence writer Sharon Beg­ley, who leads the cov­er sto­ry on The Evo­lu­tion Revolution. You will find: The New Sci­ence of Human Evo­lu­tion: “The new sci­ence of the brain and DNA is rewrit­ing the his­to­ry of human ori­gins”. Live Talk: Sharon Beg­ley on the new sci­ence of…

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