Posts Tagged ‘brain-teaser’
On cognitive reframing and biases, stress, mental health tech, Aduhelm backlash, Britney Spears, and more
Welcome to a new edition of SharpBrains’ e‑newsletter, featuring this time nine scientific reports and industry developments to help promote lifelong brain and mental health. #1. To lower stress levels and improve problem-solving, practice cognitive reframing instead of venting “… venting likely doesn’t soothe anger as much as augment it. That’s because encouraging people to…
Read MoreStudy examines common cognitive biases (have you tried this brain teaser?) and ways to mitigate them
A fascinating new study, Tversky and Kahneman’s Cognitive Illusions: Who Can Solve Them, and Why?, probes into the cognitive “heuristics and biases” researched by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky since the late 1960s. If you have never encountered the “Linda brain teaser” before, please give it a try: Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken, and very…
Read MoreThe neuroscience behind why our brains will need time to adjust to ‘un-social distancing’
With COVID-19 vaccines working and restrictions lifting across the country, it’s finally time for those now vaccinated who’ve been hunkered down at home to ditch the sweatpants and reemerge from their Netflix caves. But your brain may not be so eager to dive back into your former social life.
Read MoreUpdate on the aducanumab (Aduhelm) saga, retirement, financial advice, cognitive health, excessive worrying, neurotech, and more
Welcome to a new edition of SharpBrains’ e‑newsletter, providing this time a summary of the saga around the FDA approval of aducanumab (Aduhelm) as a supposed treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease, plus a range of timely research findings and resources for lifelong brain health. First, below are some key reads to navigate “probably the worst drug approval…
Read MoreBrain teasers en español: ¿cuál es el número que falta en el cuarto triángulo?
(Same brain teaser in English here) Es viernes y quizás algunos necesitemos un pequeño empujón cognitivo para abordar el fin de semana… Aquí va un breve desafío matemático: ¿Qué número que falta en el cuarto triángulo? Aviso a tod@s esos sharp brains: Sí, puede haber más de una respuesta … pero asegúrate de que tu…
Read MoreNext in NASA’s path to Mars: Overcoming astronauts’ cognitive and mental health challenges
Space Between the Ears (Cerebrum): A few short months ago, news programs around the globe showed NASA engineers and scientists celebrating as a robot named Perseverance successfully landed on the surface of Mars. The mission: capture and share images and audio that have never been seen or heard before. As impressed as most observers were…
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