Kernel launches Neuroscience as a Service (NaaS) built on non-invasive brain recording technology

__ A Neuroscientist’s Thoughts On Ker­nel’s Announce­ment: “Ker­nel, the neu­rotech com­pa­ny found­ed by Bryan John­son, just released a wave of new infor­ma­tion about the tech­nol­o­gy they have been build­ing over the past half-decade. With this announce­ment, we final­ly get a glimpse into the secre­tive company’s plans. We knew that they had ditched their inten­tions of…

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UCSF study looks for Bay Area participants

We often hear inter­est from peo­ple of all ages in being par­tic­i­pants in the cog­ni­tive research we are doing in our UCSF lab. How­ev­er, all of our exper­i­ments to date have been focused on under 20 year olds and the over 60 age group, and many peo­ple fall in between. Well, we have just launched…

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