Report finds only 35% of Canadian youth get the physical activity recommended for brain health

___ Get­ting kids out­side and active could help with brain health: Par­tic­i­paction report (The Globe and Mail): “The phys­i­cal ben­e­fits of kids lead­ing an active lifestyle, includ­ing bet­ter heart health and a decreased risk of devel­op­ing Type 2 dia­betes, are well known. But a grow­ing body of research sug­gests there are sig­nif­i­cant men­tal ben­e­fits as well,…

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FDA clears MindMaze GO neurorehabilitation platform, easing access to continued outpatient therapy

___ Mind­Maze Con­sol­i­dates First-ever FDA Approval for Inpa­tient and Out­pa­tient Neu­rore­ha­bil­i­ta­tion Ther­a­py (press release): “Mind­Maze, a leader in brain­tech, has today announced that it has obtained FDA clear­ance to launch its portable neu­rore­ha­bil­i­ta­tion prod­uct, Mind­Mo­tion™ GO, in the Unit­ed States. Togeth­er with Mind­Mo­tion PRO (which received FDA clear­ance in 2017), Mind­Mo­tion GO is the next…

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Why the Future of Brain Enhancement and Mental Health is Digital and Pervasive

Why the Future of Brain Enhance­ment and Men­tal Health is Dig­i­tal and Per­va­sive from Sharp­Brains ___ It was a great plea­sure to share lat­est data and insights with a fan­tas­tic com­mu­ni­ty of researchers, engi­neers, inno­va­tors and investors, host­ed by the Impe­r­i­al Col­lege Cen­tre for Neu­rotech­nol­o­gy in Lon­don. Hope you enjoy the slides! Talk descrip­tion: As…

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Lifestyle and neurotechnology over genetics

?” Dear col­league, It’s remark­able how quick­ly things are chang­ing, final­ly, in brain health and men­tal health — see for exam­ple what’s new with Inter­ax­on, Akili, Neu­raMetrix, Apple, Calm, Halo Neu­ro­science, Mind­strong Health, Novar­tis, Pear Ther­a­peu­tics, and life­long neu­ro­ge­n­e­sis, all in the last 6 months! Please enjoy the May edi­tion of Sharp­Brains eNewslet­ter below, and con­sid­er join­ing the…

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May 8th: How Neurotech Innovation Leads to New Healthcare Realities @ Horasis Global Meeting in Cascais, Portugal

Heads-up: the 2018 Hora­sis Glob­al Meet­ing will host a ses­sion on How Inno­va­tion Leads to New Health­care Real­i­ties, and our very own Alvaro Fer­nan­dez will dis­cuss the lat­est in neu­rotech­nol­o­gy, brain & men­tal health and also set the stage for the upcom­ing launch of the Por­tuguese edi­tionof The Sharp­Brains Guide to Brain Fit­ness: How to…

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Update: Study finds continued birth of new neurons (neurogenesis) well into our 70s

___ Time for Sharp­Brains eNewslet­ter, bring­ing you the lat­est in in brain health and men­tal health research, tools and think­ing. Also, a quick heads-up for those based in the UK: the Impe­r­i­al Col­lege Cen­tre for Neu­rotech­nol­o­gy will host a keynote by Alvaro Fer­nan­dez in Lon­don on Wednes­day, May 30th, titled Why the Future of Brain Enhance­ment & Men­tal Health is Dig­i­tal & Per­va­sive (free;…

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