The National Institute of Mental Health gives $2M grant to identify factors that make working memory training work (or not)

Under­stand­ing Indi­vid­ual Dif­fer­ences: UC River­side psy­chol­o­gy pro­fes­sor receives $1.9 mil­lion grant to study mem­o­ry train­ing (press release): “Aaron Seitz, a psy­chol­o­gy pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, River­side and the direc­tor of the UCR Brain Game Cen­ter for men­tal fit­ness and well­be­ing, and Susanne Jaeg­gi, an asso­ciate pro­fes­sor at the school of edu­ca­tion at UC…

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The debate continues: Review finds weak evidence standards behind commercially-available brain training programs

Brain Game Claims Fail A Big Sci­en­tif­ic Test (NPR): “In Octo­ber 2014, more than 70 sci­en­tists pub­lished an open let­ter object­ing to mar­ket­ing claims made by brain train­ing com­pa­nies. Pret­ty soon, anoth­er group, with more than 100 sci­en­tists, pub­lished a rebut­tal say­ing brain train­ing has a sol­id sci­en­tif­ic base. “So you had two con­sen­sus state­ments, each…

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To stimulate your brain, find new ways to challenge yourself every day

—– For Effec­tive Brain Fit­ness, Do More Than Play Sim­ple Games (The New York Times): “…Legions of baby boomers already use com­put­ers or apps to stim­u­late the brain, but they should be thought of as part of a larg­er engage­ment with the world…Finding new ways to chal­lenge your­self every day, Mr. Rebok said, is a good…

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Dr. Michael Merzenich: To harness Neuroplasticity for cognitive enhancement, we need to think “Fitness” more than “Games”

(Edi­tor’s Note: In order to help read­ers famil­iar­ize them­selves with the work and think­ing of Dr. Michael Merzenich, one of the win­ners of the 2016 Kavli Prize in Neu­ro­science for ground­break­ing work on neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty, we are con­dens­ing and repub­lish­ing the com­pre­hen­sive con­ver­sa­tion that Dr. Merzenich and Alvaro Fer­nan­dez had in 2009, in prepa­ra­tion for the inaugural…

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Brain training franchisor LearningRx settles FTC complaint about its marketing claims

Learn­ingRx To Pay $200K For Alleged­ly Unproven Claims That Brain Train­ing Can Improve Income, Treat Autism & ADHD (Con­sumerist): “The com­pa­ny behind the Learn­ingRX “brain train­ing” pro­gram has agreed to pay a $200,000 set­tle­ment and to stop mak­ing claims that its sys­tem is clin­i­cal­ly proven to treat seri­ous health con­di­tions, or that it can 

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