The Digital Future of Mental Health

Fun futur­is­tic vision over at The Atlantic, titled The Extreme­ly Per­son­al Com­put­er: The Dig­i­tal Future of Men­tal Health: “It’s 2018, and you’re not feel­ing your best. Yes­ter­day, on the phone with Com­cast, you for­got your social secu­ri­ty num­ber, and had to call your mom to get it…You fire up your PC and dig out your biomonitor…

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Update: Connecting technology, healthy living, healthcare, concussions, and the Brain

Time for Sharp­Brains’ Sep­tem­ber 2012 eNewslet­ter, fea­tur­ing lead­­ing-edge research and insights to help con­nect the dots among tech­nol­o­gy, healthy liv­ing, healthare, con­cus­sions, and–our protagonist–the brain. — Tech­nol­o­gy & the Brain: Is the Inter­net mak­ing us dumb­er? (Nope, just dif­fer­ent) Increas­ing cog­ni­tive loads on min­ers’ brains: good exam­ple of where soci­ety is head­ing Brain fit­ness meets HRV and…

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Brain fitness meets HRV and EEG biometrics and neuroinformatics

As an active par­tic­i­pant in the Open­ViBE project (a soft­ware plat­form to design, test and use Brain-Com­put­er Inter­faces), in sci­en­tif­ic as well as tech­ni­cal capac­i­ties, I have long been focused on ways to process, ana­lyze and put brain sig­nals to prac­ti­cal use. When I start­ed read­ing on the sub­ject of brain fit­ness a few years…

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