Learning a second language, at any age, leads to better cognitive abilities

Learn­ing sec­ond lan­guage ‘slows brain age­ing’ (BBC): “Learn­ing a sec­ond lan­guage can have a pos­i­tive effect on the brain, even if it is tak­en up in adult­hood, a Uni­ver­si­ty of Edin­burgh study suggests…Using data from intel­li­gence tests on 262 Edin­burgh-born indi­vid­u­als at the age of 11, the study looked at how their cog­ni­tive abil­i­ties had…

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Update: Let’s move, slow down, innovate, think and play

You have heard that phys­i­cal exer­cise is good for the brain. How much exer­cise are we talk­ing about? Can the ben­e­fits be seen both for chil­dren and adults? In Fit­ter bod­ies = fit­ter brains. True at all ages? Dr. Pas­cale Mich­e­lon answers these ques­tions for you, based on lat­est sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies. We need fun ways to…

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Being Bilingual Enhances Executive Functions and Brain

Bilin­gual­ism Asso­ci­at­ed With Brain Reor­ga­ni­za­tion Involv­ing Bet­ter Effi­cien­cy in Exec­u­tive Func­tions, Research Finds (Sci­ence News) “Find­ings are very impor­tant because they show an unknown aspect of bilin­gual­ism, which goes beyond lin­guis­tic advan­tages, and they also show bilin­guals are more effec­tive in respond­ing to cer­tain stim­uli,” explains researcher Cesar Avi­la, who ensures the research shows that bilingualism…

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