To improve academic outcomes, children with ADHD need both medication and non-medication treatments

. Aca­d­e­m­ic prob­lems are extreme­ly com­mon in chil­dren with ADHD, and often the issue that leads to refer­ral for an ADHD eval­u­a­tion. Aca­d­e­m­ic out­comes can be mea­sured in 2 dif­fer­ent ways — aca­d­e­m­ic achieve­ment and aca­d­e­m­ic per­for­mance — and both are com­pro­mised in chil­dren with ADHD. Aca­d­e­m­ic achieve­ment refers to the infor­ma­tion and skills that children…

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5 Reasons Why Parents of Children with ADHD Need to Become Proactive, Well-Informed Advocates

. Most chil­dren with ADHD receive their care from com­­mu­ni­­ty-based pedi­a­tri­cians, so it is espe­cial­ly impor­tant for that care to be con­sis­tent with best-prac­tice guide­lines. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, all too often it is not. The guide­lines Here is a brief sum­ma­ry of some key ADHD guide­lines pub­lished by the Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Pediatrics

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Study finds large gaps between research and practice in ADHD diagnosis and treatment

— Most chil­dren with ADHD receive their care from com­­mu­ni­­ty-based pedi­a­tri­cians. Giv­en the large num­ber of school-age chil­dren who require eval­u­a­tion and treat­ment ser­vices for ADHD, and the adverse impact that poor qual­i­ty care can have on chil­dren’s devel­op­ment, it is impor­tant for chil­dren to rou­tine­ly receive care in the com­mu­ni­ty that is con­sis­tent with…

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Perspective: Neurofeedback treatment for ADHD is gaining strong support

Neu­ro­feed­back — also known as EEG Biofeed­back — is an ADHD treat­ment in which indi­vid­u­als learn to alter their typ­i­cal EEG pat­tern to one that is con­sis­tent with a focused, atten­tive state. This is done by col­lect­ing EEG data from indi­vid­u­als as they focus on stim­uli pre­sent­ed on a com­put­er screen. Their abil­i­ty to 

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