Survey of key scientific, technological and investment trends revolutionizing Brain Health in our Digital Age

—– Last year I got very inter­est­ed in the func­tion­ing of the human brain and the sci­ence behind mind­ful­ness and learn­ing [1], so was quite excit­ed  to attend the Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit [2] in Decem­ber, indulging in the lat­est trends in applied neu­ro­science and dig­i­tal inno­va­tion. The Sum­mit focused on the theme of rein­vent­ing brain health in the digital…

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Personalize brain health and enhancement combining new imaging methods and human/ artificial intelligence

Per­son­al­ize brain health and enhance­ment com­bin­ing new imag­ing meth­ods and human/ arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence from Sharp­Brains What kind of one-time or ongo­ing brain assess­ments can help pin­point indi­vid­ual needs, and what role will intel­li­gent assis­tants, human coach­es and experts play in offer­ing and sup­port­ing per­son­al­ized care? Chair: Nikhil Sri­ra­man, IP Ana­lyst at Sharp­Brains Mar­garet Moore, Co-Founder of…

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