Seven fun brain teasers to honor our unique Brains and Minds during Brain Awareness Week 2020

Let’s cel­e­brate Brain Aware­ness Week next week, March 16–22nd, by chal­leng­ing our minds safe­ly at home or at a san­i­tized office with one brain teas­er per day or, why not, try­ing them all at once :-) Here’s a selec­tion of sev­en fun brain teasers, puz­zles & games that Sharp­Brains read­ers (pri­mar­i­ly adults, but younger minds too) have…

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Get ready for Brain Awareness Week: March 11–17th, 2019

One year more, we’re get­ting ready to cel­e­brate our amaz­ing human brains and minds. Please join us and many oth­ers around the globe! What: Every March, Brain Aware­ness Week (BAW) unites the efforts of part­ner orga­ni­za­tions world­wide in a cel­e­bra­tion of the brain for peo­ple of all ages. Activ­i­ties are lim­it­ed only by the orga­niz­ers’ imaginations…

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Selection of articles and brain teasers to celebrate Brain Awareness Week 2018

___ Please join us next week in cel­e­brat­ing Brain Aware­ness Week 2018  (March 12–18th), the annu­al glob­al cam­paign orga­nized by the Dana Foun­da­tion to increase pub­lic aware­ness about the progress and ben­e­fits of brain research. You can attend some of the many activ­i­ties world­wide (here’s the BAW’s Inter­na­tion­al Cal­en­dar of events), and also enjoy and share some of our…

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Let’s debunk these ten brain and brain health myths

. In hon­or of Brain Aware­ness Week 2016, let’s debunk ten myths about the brain and brain health that remain sur­pris­ing­ly pop­u­lar. Top 10 brain and brain health myths, debunked: Myth 1. Genes deter­mine the fate of our brains. Fact: Life­long brain plas­tic­ity means that our lifestyles and behav­iors play a sig­nif­i­cant role in how our brains…

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The Life of Your Next Neuron

(In hon­or of Brain Aware­ness Week, which starts today, let’s learn a bit more about neu­rons. A ques­tion we get often as we dis­cuss the ben­e­fits of aer­o­bic and men­tal exer­cise is, “Can neu­rons trav­el -“migrate”- inside the brain?” Below you have the answer, and more, straight from the Nation­al Insti­tute of Health website.)

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Virtual Book Club on March 14th to Celebrate Brain Awareness Week

Please Join us on Mon­day March 14th for the largest glob­al and vir­tu­al book club dis­cus­sion ever focused on the brain. An open dis­cus­sion on what new brain research means to each of us. In hon­or of Brain Aware­ness Week. . Why March 14th? Because we want to cel­e­brate Brain Aware­ness Week (BAW), the cam­paign found­ed by The Dana…

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