Debate: What are the ethics of discouraging much-needed innovation given potential privacy concerns?

Sto­ry descrip­tion (CNN Mon­ey): Ned Sahin is founder and CEO of neu­rotech­nol­o­gy start-up Brain Pow­er, whose tool “Empow­er Me” uses smart glass­es like Google Glass to coach those with autism. It helps school­child­ren learn social and cog­ni­tive skills and can even guide adults through an inter­view process. Brain Power’s prod­uct is sold to many schools…

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News you can use: To improve memory, exercise brain and body at the same time

___ Time for Sharp­Brains’ eNewslet­ter  track­ing the lat­est think­ing, research and tools for brain health. This month we fea­ture five fas­ci­nat­ing inter­views at the fron­tier of applied neu­ro­science and a recent study sug­gest­ing that “Per­form­ing mem­o­ry train­ing exer­cis­es at the same time as ped­al­ing a sta­tion­ary bike led to bet­ter gains in mem­o­ry than doing…

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Dr. Albert Kwon, CEO of Brainnovations Winner AUGMENTx, wants to harness Augmented Reality to significantly ease access to Neurological Rehabilitation Therapies

___ Albert, what sur­prised you the most from the Judges’ ques­tions and feed­back dur­ing the Brain­no­va­tions Pitch Con­test? It was a pleas­ant sur­prise to receive so many votes and such great feed­back, which solid­i­fied my con­vic­tion that there is a great need to cre­ate new ther­a­py options for stroke patients and oth­er neu­ro­log­i­cal injuries, especially…

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UCSF, Stanford, VieLight & Lumos Labs at the frontier of brain health & enhancement

On Decem­ber 7th select­ed Sum­mit Spon­sors and Part­ners show­cased their most promis­ing brain health & enhance­ment ini­tia­tives and solu­tions. At the fron­tier with Neu­roscape, VR/ AR and Pho­to­bio­mod­u­la­tion (record­ings require reg­is­tra­tion; view slid­edeck for all am ses­sions Here) Adam Gaz­za­ley, UCSF Pro­fes­sor of Neu­rol­o­gy, presents Neu­roscape Dr. Wal­ter Green­leaf, Med­ical VR/ AR Expert at Stan­ford Vir­tu­al Human Inter­ac­tion Lab, pro­vides an overview of health…

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Top 10 moments from the 2017 SharpBrains Virtual Summit/ Slidedecks & Recordings are Available

_____ Whew. What a rich and diverse 3‑day con­ver­sa­tion on the future of brain health and brain enhance­ment among 50+ Speak­ers and 200+ par­tic­i­pants in 24 coun­tries. From the dozens of fas­ci­nat­ing insights and moments, here are some our favorites: (Note: slid­edecks are now freely avail­able; ses­sion record­ings require reg­is­tra­tion and login cre­den­tials) 1. That mas­ter­ful 40-minute…

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