Update: A Fresh Look at Enhancing Brain & Mental Health Across the Lifespan

Time for Sharp­Brains’ May 2013 e‑newsletter, which fea­tures a vari­ety of arti­cles offer­ing a more opti­mistic and evi­­dence-based approach to brain and men­tal health than cur­rent prac­tices. First of all, let us high­light that Sci­en­tif­ic Amer­i­can just pub­lished an excel­lent review of our new book. The author sums it up by say­ing that “…I wish I had read…

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Monitoring stress-related use of antipsychotic drugs in the military

War on Drugs (OpEd at the NYT): “LAST year, more active-duty sol­diers com­mit­ted sui­cide than died in bat­tle… Worse, accord­ing to data not report­ed on until now, the mil­i­tary evi­dent­ly respond­ed to stress that afflicts sol­diers in Iraq and Afghanistan pri­mar­i­ly by drug­ging sol­diers on the front lines…The trou­ble is that we have no idea whether…

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