To maximize cognitive benefits, study suggests you exercise brain and body at the same time

___ Phys­i­cal and men­tal mul­ti­task­ing may boost mem­o­ry, study sug­gests (UCLA research alert): “Per­form­ing mem­o­ry train­ing exer­cis­es at the same time as ped­al­ing a sta­tion­ary bike led to bet­ter gains in mem­o­ry than doing the train­ing exer­cis­es after work­ing up a sweat, accord­ing to a 55-per­­son study led by UCLA researchers. The find­ings sug­gest that…

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April 21st virtual lecture to discuss 25 Must-Know Facts about Brain Health, Neuroplasticity and Technology

Dear Sharp­Brains friend, As Dr. Robert Bilder, Tan Le and myself final­ize the cur­ricu­lum for the upcom­ing vir­tu­al lec­ture on April 21st, we are work­ing hard to select the key brain-relat­ed facts that every­one should tru­ly under­stand in order to nav­i­gate the grow­ing stream of news arti­cles, research reports and mar­ket­ing claims. Focus­ing on 25 fundamental…

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Study: Combining aerobic and mental training can significantly improve mental and cognitive health

(Edi­tor’s Note: Hat tip to co-author Tj Shors for bring­ing this fas­ci­nat­ing new study to our atten­tion) “It is wide­ly accept­ed that aer­o­bic exer­cise and med­i­ta­tion train­ing are use­ful behav­ioral ther­a­pies for reme­di­at­ing clin­i­cal symp­toms of depres­sion. How­ev­er, no study to date has assessed the com­bined effects of the two behav­ioral inter­ven­tions. Here, we present data indi­cat­ing that 

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The important thing (to build resilience, manage stress) is to set a definite schedule”

Ques­tion by Iso­bel Mar­tinez: In the chap­ter about man­ag­ing stress and build­ing resilience, the sharp­brains guide talks about things like aer­o­bic exer­cise, med­i­ta­tion and biofeed­back-based train­ing games. Where should a 46-year-old HR exec­u­tive start? I’m inter­est­ed in myself and also in what to poten­tial­ly bring to the organization.

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