Update: Brain teasers and brain fitness tips to improve attention and memory in 2016

Dear Sharp­Brains friend, Time for Sharp­Brains’ Decem­ber e‑newsletter…and we are hon­ored to announce that the Japan­ese edi­tion of The Sharp­Brains Guide to Brain Fit­ness just became avail­able, and is doing well! (more below) Let us wish you Hap­py Hol­i­days and Hap­py New Year, and share a few resources and insights that may come handy in 2016. Resources to enhance brain…

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Study: Physical exercise can enhance neuroplasticity in adult brains, accelerating neural repair

Phys­i­cal activ­i­ty may leave the brain more open to change (EurekAlert) “Learn­ing, mem­o­ry, and brain repair depend on the abil­i­ty of our neu­rons to change with expe­ri­ence. Now, researchers report­ing in the Cell Press jour­nal Cur­rent Biol­o­gy on Decem­ber 7 have evi­dence from a small study in peo­ple that exer­cise may enhance this essen­tial plasticity…

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Wellness Coaching for Brain Health and Fitness

We just received this quote of how a major health sys­tem is using our Brain Fit­ness Mar­ket Report: “At Sut­ter Health Part­ners we rec­og­nize the impor­tance of brain health and how much the health of the brain and the body are inter­de­pen­dent.  The mar­ket report helped us fur­ther tar­get our coach­ing efforts to inte­grate brain…

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