Study finds a key ingredient in mindfulness training: Acceptance (not acquiescence)

Life can be stress­ful. Whether it’s the stress that comes with hav­ing too much work to do in too lit­tle time, ful­fill­ing care­giv­ing oblig­a­tions, or deal­ing with a major ill­ness or set­back, some­times it can be hard to cope. In response to stress, many peo­ple today are turn­ing to med­i­ta­tion or mind­ful­ness apps (myself includ­ed). But…

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How to incorporate mindfulness into psychotherapy

Mind­ful­ness is good for you. In thou­sands of stud­ies, moment-to-moment, non-judg­­men­­tal atten­tion has been shown to improve well-being, strength­en rela­tion­ships, increase focus and atten­tion, and even boost our immune sys­tems. So it’s no sur­prise that ther­a­pists have tak­en an inter­est in using mind­ful­ness with their patients. The poten­tial for ben­e­fit is clear­ly great. But how…

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