Directory: Web Sites and Articles
Recommended Websites
> The Dana Foundation offers several excellent online resources:
- Brainy Kids Online offers children, teens, parents and teachers links to games, labs, education resources and lesson plans.
- BrainWeb: general information about the brain and current brain research, as well as links to validated sites related to more than 25 brain disorders.
- Brain Resources for Seniors provides older adults and their caretakers with links to sites related to brain health, education and general information.
> PBS’s The Secret Life of the Brain: fun website including a history of the brain, anatomy, illusions, brain scanning, and development from child through adulthood.
> Brain Awareness Week 2008: an international series of events to increase public awareness about the brain.
> Society for Neuroscience: neuroscience information for scientists, the general public, the press, legislators, and educators.
> Healthy Brain Initiative: policy initiative led by the CDC to develop a comprehensive Cognitive Health roadmap.
> Brain Health: resources and lifestyle advice provided by AARP.
> Maintain Your Brain: resources and lifestyle advice provided by the Alzheimer’s Association.
Recommended Articles and Papers
Good general articles in the business and general media:
On how new neurons are born and grow in the adult brain:
On the surprising plasticity and development potential throughout life:
On Training the Brain to help people with ADD/ADHD:
Training the Brain: Cognitive therapy as an alternative to ADHD drugs
On the importance and impact of mental stimulation and training:
On the role of mental stimulation in protecting the brain:
On the importance of building a Brain Reserve:
Other important aspects:
Selected Scientific Abstracts:
Ball K, Berch DB, Helmers KF, et al. Effects of cognitive training interventions with older adults: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2002;288:2271–81.
Klingberg T, Fernell E, Olesen PJ, et al. Computerized training of working memory in children with ADHD–a randomized, controlled trial. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2005;44:177–86.
Mahncke HW, Connor BB, Appelman J, et al. Memory enhancement in healthy older adults using a brain plasticity-based training program: a randomized, controlled study. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2006;103:12523–8.
Scarmeas N, Stern Y. Cognitive reserve and lifestyle. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2003;25:625–33.
Tarraga L, Boada M, Modinos G, et al. A randomised pilot study to assess the efficacy of an interactive, multimedia tool of cognitive stimulation in Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2006;77:1116–21.
Willis SL, Tennstedt SL, Marsiske M, et al. Long-term effects of cognitive training on everyday functional outcomes in older adults. JAMA. 2006;296:2805–14.