7. Opening the Debate

High­lights from Sec­tion 7:  Open­ing the Debate

The goal of this guide is to inform you, but also to stim­u­late dis­cus­sion. In this final chap­ter we want to pro­vide you, the ambas­sadors of brain fit­ness and life­long learn­ing, with addi­tion­al food for though.


Why social engagement can boost brain function: the case for “walking book clubs”

In a recent study, the ben­e­fit from social inter­ac­tion was as great as the ben­e­fit from intel­lec­tu­al activ­i­ties! This is a very excit­ing result con­sid­er­ing that par­tic­i­pants engaged in dis­cus­sion for only 10 min­utes. What if you com­bine social inter­ac­tion and intel­lec­tu­al activ­i­ties — such as a book club? Keep read­ing.


Book club discussion guide: 10 questions to work on our collective brain fitness

The Sharp­Brains Guide com­bines expert, inde­pen­dent advice with 18 in-depth inter­views with sci­en­tists to present a thought-pro­vok­ing and infor­ma­tive per­spec­tive on the impor­tance of brain fit­ness. Here you can find 10 stim­u­lat­ing ques­tions for your next book club. Keep read­ing.

Keep learn­ing by read­ing more arti­cles in the Resources sec­tion, and also please con­sid­er join­ing our free month­ly Brain Fit­ness eNewsletter

This new online resource is based on the con­tent from the book The Sharp­Brains Guide to Brain Fit­ness (May 2009, $19.95), by Alvaro Fer­nan­dez and Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg.

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