Brain teaser: Please draw the face of a penny

Sep­tem­ber 17, 2006  |

How many pen­nies have you seen in your life? Can you rec­og­nize the face of a pen­ny, with all its ele­ments, now? You will prob­a­bly find the answer in your pock­ets, not in your mind… Now, does any­one need to know exact­ly what the face of a pen­ny looks like? We can prob­a­bly sur­vive without…

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Working Memory Training and ADD/ADHD

Sep­tem­ber 17, 2006  |

Mark Katz, a San Diego clin­i­cal psy­chol­o­gist with decades of expe­ri­ence help­ing ADD/ ADHD kids and adults, and for­mer Board Mem­ber of CHADD, and I had a very good meet­ing with a few school super­in­ten­dents on Sat­ur­day. We dis­cussed the research state-of-the-art, cur­rent ADD/ ADHD inter­ven­tions and the future of pre­ven­­­tion-dri­ven inter­ven­tions. Some high­lights from…

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What happens in our brain when…

Sep­tem­ber 15, 2006  | Com­ments Off on What hap­pens in our brain when…

Thanks to more refined brain imag­ing tech­niques we now have a bet­ter under­stand­ing of what hap­pens in the “black box” of our brains. See an illus­tra­tion, con­tained in the great book Map­ping the Mind by Rita Carter.You see what typ­i­cal­ly hap­pens (lat­er­al view, frontal lobe/ fore­head to the left, the back to the right) when we are…

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Ready to Learn?

Sep­tem­ber 15, 2006  |

What is Learn­ing Readi­ness? What does it mean for the cur­rent debate on Pre‑K edu­ca­tion, and for all of us? The Edu­ca­tion Blog Edu­wonk has a great entry on Pre‑K Every­where You Look! where it dis­cuss­es pros and cons of cur­rent leg­is­la­tion ini­tia­tives. Today, we have had a very good debate at a meet­ing with a…

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Brain exercise: Better than coffee

Sep­tem­ber 14, 2006  |

  Quick! say aloud what col­or you see in every word below, NOT the word you read :-) The Stroop test is used in neu­ropsy­cho­log­i­cal eval­u­a­tions to mea­sure men­tal vital­i­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty, since per­form­ing well requires strong inhi­bi­tion capability. 

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The Brain Fitness Revolution is here with us

Sep­tem­ber 13, 2006  |

Roger Doo­ley, author of the Neu­ro­mar­ket­ing blog, wrote in April an excel­lent overview of the Brain Fit­ness field in the Future­Lab blog. Enjoy his entry Mar­ket­ing Neu­ro­science: Brain Fit­ness. Let me quote a cou­ple of sen­tences: “The two big dri­ving forces for the brain fit­ness move­ment are demo­graph­ics, par­tic­u­lar­ly the aging baby boom pop­u­la­tion, and…

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Use It or Lose It: What is the “It”?

Sep­tem­ber 12, 2006  |

Use it or Lose it is term coined by sharp­brains. If you use your brain, it appre­ci­ates. If you don’t use it, it depre­ci­ate or lose it. The choice is yours. 

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On being positive

Sep­tem­ber 12, 2006  |

One day after 9/11, I would like to depart a bit from the pri­ma­ry focus of this blog and add some per­son­al reflec­tions onBe­ing Pos­i­tive and on Appre­ci­a­tion, which is what we prob­a­bly need to sur­vive in these times. I remem­ber a few years ago when, over brunch, my good friend Rohit pro­posed that Happiness =…

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Brain teaser: What do you see?

Sep­tem­ber 10, 2006  |

What do you see? If you see an old lady, can you also see a young lady? If you see a young lady, can you also see an old lady? Both are there! Les­son: there are fre­quent­ly dif­fer­ent, and equal­ly valid, ways to read a sit­u­a­tion. We bet­ter lis­ten to com­ple­men­tary per­spec­tives and ensure con­struc­tive team­work. Enjoy the day.

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Exercise your brain with this classic planning puzzle

Sep­tem­ber 10, 2006  | Com­ments Off on Exer­cise your brain with this clas­sic plan­ning puzzle

Here’s a clas­sic plan­ning puz­zle, devel­oped by math­e­mati­cian Edouard Lucas in 1883 and fre­quent­ly used in neu­ropsy­cho­log­i­cal eval­u­a­tions: Play online The Tow­er of Hanoi.

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About SharpBrains

SHARPBRAINS Advi­sors is an inde­pen­dent think-tank and con­sult­ing firm pro­vid­ing ser­vices at the fron­tier of applied neu­ro­science, health, lead­er­ship and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS Advi­sors es un think-tank y con­sul­toría inde­pen­di­ente pro­por­cio­nan­do ser­vi­cios para la neu­ro­cien­cia apli­ca­da, salud, lid­er­az­go e innovación.

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