Lyra Health, Big Health and Mantra Health raise a combined $332M to commercialize digital therapeutics for mental/ behavioral health

Lyra Health scores $235M and buys employ­ee assis­tant pro­gram ICAS World (Mobi­Health News): Employ­er-focused dig­i­tal men­tal health provider Lyra Health announced a whop­ping $235 mil­lion Series F round led by Drag­oneer. Sales­force Ven­tures and Coat­ue also par­tic­i­pat­ed. This new infu­sion of cash brings the com­pa­ny’s total raise to over $900 mil­lion. The fund­ing coin­cid­ed with…

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Using Reddit as a population-level “mental health tracker” during the COVID pandemic

Using machine learn­ing to track the pandemic’s impact on men­tal health (MIT News): Deal­ing with a glob­al pan­dem­ic has tak­en a toll on the men­tal health of mil­lions of peo­ple. A team of MIT and Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty researchers has shown that they can mea­sure those effects by ana­lyz­ing the lan­guage that peo­ple use to express their…

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