3 fun brain teasers for adults to challenge your cognitive skills

First of all, what is cog­ni­tion? Cog­ni­tion has to do with how we under­stand the world and act in it. Cog­ni­tive skills are the brain-based func­tions that we need to car­ry out any task from the sim­plest to the most com­plex. For exam­ple, answer­ing the tele­phone involves per­cep­tion (hear­ing the ring tone), deci­sion tak­ing (answer­ing or not), motor skill…

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Test your memory and reasoning skills with these proverbs

Mem­o­ry relies most­ly on tem­po­ral (green area) and frontal (in red) areas of the brain. These are the areas where many neu­rons will get stim­u­lat­ed when you (assum­ing you are Amer­i­can or have lived in the US for long) try to remem­ber the miss­ing words in the Amer­i­can proverbs below. How­ev­er when it comes to…

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