12 quick brain puzzles to welcome a sharp new year

___ Q: What is by far the most out­stand­ing and sur­pris­ing of all humankind’s suc­cess­es? A: Wak­ing up in the morn­ing. Q: Of our many tools, which is one of the most pow­er­ful, and yet the most pli­able? A: Sta­tis­tics. Q: Who insists that mind­less obe­di­ence is a sign of intel­li­gence? A: All of us…

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Seven sharp riddles to celebrate Thanksgiving in perfect harmony

___ Q: What’s far more harm­ful to your health than NOT keep­ing up with the news? A: Keep­ing up with the news and dis­cussing the lat­est over Thanks­giv­ing din­ner. Q: What is a sure way of sus­tain­ing a friend­ly and socia­ble feel­ing towards the whole world? A: Con­sort only with strangers. Q: What beats regret­ting what you…

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