Evidence-based, employer-focused meditation program eMindful acquired by digital behavioral change firm Wondr Health

River­side com­pletes add-on invest­ment to Won­dr Health Plat­form (Pri­vate Equi­ty Wire):

The River­side Com­pa­ny, a glob­al pri­vate investor focused on the small­er end of the mid­dle mar­ket, has invest­ed in eMind­ful, a provider of evi­dence-based, mind­ful­ness pro­grammes for every­day life and chron­ic conditions.

The invest­ment is an add-on to Riverside’s Won­dr Health (for­mer­ly Nat­u­ral­ly Slim), a dig­i­tal behav­ioral change com­pa­ny focused on weight man­age­ment and pre­vent­ing chron­ic dis­ease with­in the employ­er-spon­sored space.

This part­ner­ship builds on the clin­i­cal exper­tise and out­comes of the Won­dr and eMind­ful offer­ings, cre­at­ing a unique com­bi­na­tion that not only address­es two top cost dri­vers – obe­si­ty and poor men­tal health – but builds a foun­da­tion of pre­ven­tive care that improves the effi­ca­cy of an employer’s dis­ease man­age­ment pro­grams. Togeth­er, util­is­ing cur­ricu­lum-based skills-build­ing, applied mind­ful­ness and behav­iour change, the solu­tions help employ­ers achieve the best health out­comes and high­est ROI and dri­ve engage­ment through­out their entire ben­e­fits platform.

The Announcement:

Won­dr Health Acquires Dig­i­tal Emo­tion­al Health Leader eMind­ful to Fur­ther Expand Engage­ment and ROI for Employ­ers (press release):

Won­dr has acquired eMind­ful, a provider of evi­dence-based mind­ful­ness pro­grams for every­day life and chron­ic con­di­tions … Togeth­er, Won­dr and eMind­ful now bring employ­ers and their employ­ees an enhanced offer­ing, inclu­sive of tai­lored and per­son­al­ized dig­i­tal and live solu­tions, to address the full con­tin­u­um of mind and body wellbeing—all under one umbrel­la. The Won­dr and eMind­ful solu­tions cre­ate the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of men­tal and phys­i­cal care that pro­vides par­tic­i­pants with the right solu­tions at the right time through applied mind­ful­ness and resilien­cy skill-build­ing. The acqui­si­tion also aligns cul­tur­al­ly, clin­i­cal­ly, and sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly with Wondr’s exist­ing mis­sion and expands the reach of the com­bined company’s dig­i­tal and live offer­ings to serve an even larg­er population…

Under terms of the agree­ment, eMind­ful will con­tin­ue to oper­ate under the eMind­ful name and will now be part of the Won­dr Health fam­i­ly of brands. eMindful’s man­age­ment team will remain in place, and the com­bined com­pa­ny will now oper­ate out of dual head­quar­ters in Dal­las, TX and Orlan­do, FL.

The Announcement in Context:

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SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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