Meditation apps have gone mainstream in the covid-19 era


1. Best med­i­ta­tion apps: prac­tice mind­ful­ness with Head­space, Calm and more (TechRadar):

The best med­i­ta­tion apps could help you to sleep bet­ter, reduce your stress lev­els and find some much-need­ed inner peace. But giv­en the sit­u­a­tion right now with Covid-19, even if med­i­ta­tion apps just give you a break from the news and a chance to chill out for ten min­utes, they’re more than worth it.

Head­space, one of the most pop­u­lar med­i­ta­tion apps around, first launched 10 years ago. Since then, hun­dreds of oth­er med­i­ta­tion apps have been cre­at­ed and that means find­ing the best med­i­ta­tion app for you can be overwhelming.

But when it comes to med­i­ta­tion, choice is a good thing. There are now med­i­ta­tion apps to cater to all kinds of peo­ple and pref­er­ences. From apps for begin­ners that walk you through the basics of med­i­ta­tion (like Head­space and Bud­dhi­fy), through to those that just pro­vide you with a timer and sound cues so you can ‘freestyle’ your med­i­ta­tion prac­tice instead (like Sam­sara Timer and Pock­et Med­i­ta­tion Timer).” Keep read­ing arti­cle Here, with brief reviews of Wak­ing Up, Head­space, Calm, Bud­dhi­fy, and Insight Timer


2. Health and well­ness apps offer free ser­vices to help those cop­ing with coro­n­avirus (USA Today):

As uncer­tain­ty con­tin­ues to grow around the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic and life in seclu­sion mounts, so has the lev­el of stress and anx­i­ety for many consumers.

Pop­u­lar health and well­ness apps are now offer­ing free ser­vices to help peo­ple cope in the midst of unprece­dent­ed times.” Keep read­ing arti­cle Here, includ­ing offers from Head­space, Sim­ple Habit, Bal­ance and Sanvello 


3. Head­space appoints for­mer Intu­it exec CeCe Morken as pres­i­dent and COO (TechCrunch):

As it looks to con­tin­ue along its path of devel­op­ing clin­i­cal­ly val­i­dat­ed dig­i­tal ther­a­peu­tics for con­sumer and clin­i­cal men­tal health and well­ness, Head­space has bulked up its exec­u­tive team with the addi­tion of long­time Intu­it exec­u­tive CeCe Morken.

Morken will become the company’s first pres­i­dent and chief oper­at­ing offi­cer, join­ing the Los Ange­les-based, bil­lion-dol­lar-val­ued men­tal well­ness com­pa­ny after spend­ing 13 years at Intu­it …Head­space is already a giant in the men­tal well­ness cat­e­go­ry. It counts more than 65 mil­lion* users around the world, and its Head­space for Work ser­vice is being rolled out as a ser­vice for employ­ees at com­pa­nies like Adobe, Gen­er­al Elec­tric, Hyatt and Star­bucks. The com­pa­ny has research under­way in over 20 clin­i­cal tri­als* to move from men­tal well­ness into the dig­i­tal health cat­e­go­ry, under its Head­space Health sub­sidiary, which launched in 2018.”


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