Tease your brain with these eight fun riddles


Q: My first thought after con­grat­u­lat­ing myself on being so clever about something?
A: “How can I have been so dumb about that for so long!”

Q: Who is hard­er to for­give than any­one, for tru­ly dumb behaviour?
A:  One­self

Q: How can you tell that a man is sure he is respect­ed, even revered, by his peers?
A: When express­ing him­self, he always uses “We”, “You”, & “They” — rarely “I”!

Q: Why did the café cus­tomer drop his sug­ar into the ashtray?
A: Because ear­li­er at break­fast he had spread but­ter on his trousers.

Q: What is the surest way to avoid hurt­ing peo­ple’s feelings?
A:  Nev­er stop lying to them.

Q: He had fall­en in love with her at first sight. Why did he leave her?
A: Because first-sight’s great­est friends –sec­ond-sight and third-sight– were absent at the time.

Q:  The best word to end this proverb with?  “Always bite the hand that feeds you ____ “
A:   “noth­ing”

Q: Why is life perfect?
A:  Because it’s there!


– Kei­th Per­reur-Lloyd is an Anglo-French com­pos­er and musi­cian cur­rent­ly liv­ing in Spain. You can learn more about his clas­si­cal com­po­si­tions here.

To explore more fun brain teasers, puzzles and games:

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SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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