Wishing you a Happy New Decade (and sharing eight brain wellness tips to make it possible)
Ready for a Happy New Year and Happy New Decade?
Here’s a special edition of the SharpBrains monthly e‑newsletter featuring the latest on brain health and mental well-being — we hope you enjoy these tips and advice about what to do, and what not to, to promote brain wellness in 2020 and beyond:
Practice Breathing & Compassion: Three evidence-based ways to develop a resilient mind
… and a Sport you love: Play sports (smartly) for a quieter brain
Challenge your friends, often: For better memory and thinking skills at age 70, play cards and board games from age 11
… for example by solving big problems together: Mindstrong Health recruits slew of Silicon Valley talent
When in trouble, consider therapy before meds: To treat depression, therapy alone works better than therapy combined with antidepressants
… your might even be able to access it privately, online: First Digital Health Formulary by Express Scripts includes CBT-based programs to treat depression, anxiety and insomnia
Finally, beware “brain-boosting” supplements, and don’t jump on direct-to-consumer transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) unless you understand Pros and Cons
… but always keep your mind open to awe and to new ways to tease your brain, see the world around us and even shape it!
Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year and New Decade,
The SharpBrains Team