The World Economic Forum hosts Global Future Council on Neurotechnologies in Dubai (November 10–12th)

Quick heads-up on a very promis­ing event.

Descrip­tion: Quick­ly devel­op­ing neu­rotech­nolo­gies will have an impact on entire indus­tries, gov­ern­ments, and soci­eties in the future. The Glob­al Future Coun­cil on Neu­rotech­nolo­gies will explore these tech­no­log­i­cal devel­op­ments and their eth­i­cal impli­ca­tions for soci­ety. The coun­cil will out­line eth­i­cal prin­ci­ples in using data and tech­nol­o­gy for screen­ing and ear­ly diag­nos­tics of men­tal ill­ness and neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive diseases.

Overview of the general initiative:

The World Eco­nom­ic Forum’s Glob­al Future Coun­cils are the world’s fore­most inter­dis­ci­pli­nary knowl­edge net­work ded­i­cat­ed to pro­mot­ing inno­v­a­tive think­ing to shape a sus­tain­able and inclu­sive future for all.

The net­work con­venes more than 700 of the most rel­e­vant and knowl­edge­able thought lead­ers from acad­e­mia, gov­ern­ment, busi­ness and civ­il soci­ety, grouped in exper­tise-based, the­mat­ic coun­cils. It is an invi­ta­tion-only com­mu­ni­ty, and mem­bers are nom­i­nat­ed for a one-year period.

Members of the Neurotech Council:

  • Co-Chair: P. Murali Doraiswamy, Pro­fes­sor of Psy­chi­a­try and Med­i­cine at Duke Uni­ver­si­ty Med­ical Center
  • Co-Chair: Elisha Lon­don, Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer at Unit­ed for Glob­al Men­tal Health
  • Philip Camp­bell, Edi­tor-in-Chief at Springer Nature
  • Alvaro Fer­nán­dez Ibáñez, Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer and Edi­tor-in-Chief of SharpBrains
  • Jeong Sung-Jin, Prin­ci­pal Researcher, Mol­e­c­u­lar Devel­op­ment and Age­ing Lab at the Korea Brain Research Institute
  • Tan Le, Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer of EMOTIV Inc.
  • Hus­sei­ni Man­ji, Glob­al Ther­a­peu­tic Area Head, Neu­ro­science at John­son & Johnson
  • Car­o­line Mon­to­jo, Direc­tor, Brain Ini­tia­tives at The Kavli Foundation
  • Moham­mad Abdul Aziz Sul­tan Al Ola­ma, Con­sul­tant Neu­ro­sur­geon at the Dubai Health Author­i­ty (DHA)
  • Bjarte Reve, Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer of the Nansen Neu­ro­science Network
  • Karen Rom­melfanger, Direc­tor, Neu­roethics Pro­gram at Emory University
  • Shekhar Sax­e­na, Vis­it­ing Pro­fes­sor at the Har­vard T. H. Chan School of Pub­lic Health
  • Nitish Thakor, Direc­tor, Sin­ga­pore Insti­tute for Neu­rotech­nol­o­gy (SINAPSE) at the Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ty of Singapore
  • Andrew Welch­man, Head of Neu­ro­science and Men­tal Health at the Well­come Trust
  • Kim Chow Hei-Man, Research Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor, Divi­sion of Life Sci­ence at the Hong Kong Uni­ver­si­ty of Sci­ence and Technology

We look for­ward to many fruit­ful con­ver­sa­tions and col­lab­o­ra­tions to shape the future of neu­rotech­nol­o­gy in ways ben­e­fi­cial to all proud brain owners.

If you have any press­ing ques­tion or sug­ges­tion, feel free to share it and we’ll pass it along.

About SharpBrains

SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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