At the frontier of neuroenginnering, brain health and cognitive enhancement with Kernel, UT-Dallas, The Arrowsmith Program and The Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF) - SharpBrains
Last Decem­ber 7th select­ed Sum­mit Spon­sors and Part­ners show­cased their most promis­ing brain health & enhance­ment ini­tia­tives and solutions. From tomorrow’s neu­ro­engi­neer­ing to today’s brain health (view slid­edeck for all pm ses­sions Here) Dr. Ran­dal Koene, Lead Sci­en­tist at Ker­nel, dis­cuss­es future direc­tions of neu­ro­engin­ner­ing and human com­put­er interfaces. Dr. Leanne Young, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Brain Per­for­mance Insti­tute at UT-Dal­las Cen­ter…