Slidedeck: What do 7.5 billion human brains need to thrive in the Digital Age, and what are key opportunities to better equip them?

What do 7.5 bil­lion human brains need to thrive in the Dig­i­tal Age, and what are key oppor­tu­ni­ties to bet­ter equip them? (full record­ing requires reg­is­tra­tion; slid­edeck avail­able above and Here)

  • Álvaro Fer­nán­dez, CEO and Edi­tor-in-Chief of Sharp­Brains
  • Sarah Lenz Lock, Senior Vice Pres­i­dent for Pol­i­cy at AARP and Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Glob­al Coun­cil on Brain Health (GCBH)
  • Dr. April Bena­sich, Direc­tor of the Baby Lab at the Rut­gers Cen­ter for Mol­e­c­u­lar and Behav­ioral Neuroscience
  • Chaired byDr. Cori Lath­an, Co-Chair of the World Eco­nom­ic Forum’s Coun­cil on the Future of Human Enhancement

Slid­edeck sup­port­ing ses­sion held dur­ing the 2017 Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit: Brain Health & Enhance­ment in the Dig­i­tal Age (Decem­ber 5–7th). All ses­sion record­ings avail­able for pur­chase (50+ Speak­ers, 15+ Hours, $150).

About SharpBrains

SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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