Top 10 moments from the 2017 SharpBrains Virtual Summit/ Slidedecks & Recordings are Available
What a rich and diverse 3‑day conversation on the future of brain health and brain enhancement among 50+ Speakers and 200+ participants in 24 countries.
From the dozens of fascinating insights and moments, here are some our favorites:
(Note: slidedecks are now freely available; session recordings require registration and login credentials)
1. That masterful 40-minute overview by Dr. Tom Insel on the past, present and future of mental health (view slidedeck Here)
2. Discussing with Akili’s Eddie Martucci the FDA implications from the significant research findings released just the day before (view slidedeck Here)
3. Exploring the revolution in brain health assessments (view slidedeck Here), as covered in the article Firms Race to Find New Ways to Scan Brain Health at WebMD
4. Discovering the latest in EEG, virtual reality/ augmented reality, and photobiomodulation with experts at UCSF, Emotiv, Stanford, AUGMENTx ad VieLight ((view main slidedeck Here)
5. Previewing why Lumosity is getting into Mindfulness (view slidedeck Here; final presentation)
6. Considering the ethics of different methods of cognitive enhancement, including the growing use of consumer-driven brain stimulation (view slidedeck Here)
7. Learning about the largest new Randomized Controlled Trial on the impact of lifestyle factors such as exercise and nutrition on healthy brain aging (view slidedeck Here)
8. Discussing the upbeat findings about education and cognitive training from a just-published study involving 200,000+ people! (view slidedeck Here)
9. Exploring the next 80 years of brain enhancement and Human Computer Interfaces with neuroengineer Randal Koene (view slidedeck for all pm sessions Here)
10. Hearing the great questions and feedback by Judges during the Brainnovations pitch contests to measure brain health and to improve it, to harness Big Data, to boost workplace productivity and resilience (view slidedecks Here, Here, Here and Here)
In summary, Brain Health and Mental Health will look very different in 2020 than they do today. And not a minute too soon, since the needs and the gaps are so large.
Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Happy and Prosperous 2018 to you and to your family at home and at work,
Alvaro Fernandez on behalf of the SharpBrains Team
PS1: Summit Participants already have full access to all recordings clicking above or HERE (one-year access to 50+ Speakers, 15+ Hours), using same log-in credentials provided during the Summit.
PS2: If you didn’t participate in the Summit but want access all recordings, they are available for purchase HERE ($150; 10%-off discount-code: sharp2018)