The Federal Trade Commission challenges brain health claims by Procera AVH dietary supplement



Pro­cera AVH Mar­keters Can For­get About Claim­ing to Reverse Mem­o­ry Loss (Nation­al Law Review):

It turns out that there is not a mag­ic pill capa­ble of revers­ing the effects of aging on the human brain, includ­ing mem­o­ry loss, or at least not one we can remem­ber right now. The FTC recent­ly remind­ed the mar­keters of Pro­cera AVH, a dietary sup­ple­ment that alleged­ly com­bats mem­o­ry loss and cog­ni­tive decline, of their respon­si­bil­i­ties as adver­tis­ers and shot down claims that the sup­ple­ment was clin­i­cal­ly proven to sig­nif­i­cant­ly improve mem­o­ry, mood, and oth­er cog­ni­tive func­tions because these claims were too good to be true. After the FTC brought a law­suit chal­leng­ing numer­ous claims made in the adver­tis­ing of Pro­cera, the par­ties agreed to a set­tle­ment that includ­ed a per­ma­nent injunc­tion and a $1.4 mil­lion mon­e­tary dam­ages award that must be paid to sus­pend much larg­er stip­u­lat­ed dam­ages total­ing more than $150 million…

The FTC’s com­plaint fur­ther alleged that effi­ca­cy claims in adver­tis­ing for Pro­cera AVH were false, mis­lead­ing, or unsub­stan­ti­at­ed. It claimed that the defen­dants false­ly claimed that a sci­en­tif­ic study proved the effi­ca­cy of Pro­cera. The com­plaint also charged Reynolds, the founder and chief sci­ence offi­cer of Brain Research Labs, one of the defen­dants, with mak­ing decep­tive expert endorse­ments for Pro­cera AVH.”

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