Neurotech initiatives in Switzerland aim at leapfrogging brain health care
Tricking the brain into re-wiring itself (Swiss news):
“Swiss neuroscience start-ups and labs are finding novel hi-tech solutions to help patients despite a depressing global lack of treatments for brain disorders…Swiss firm MindMaze has also fused VR technology with neuroscience. The EPFL spin-off has devised several applications including ‘MindPlay’, an inexpensive rehabilitation product to help stroke and brain injury patients recover use of their limbs…
In Switzerland, the Lake Geneva region, and in particular EPFL are key players in neuroscience.…it is a driving force, with over 100 people working on the project based at Geneva’s Campus Biotech…
Unlike heart disease and cancer, which have seen major strides in drug development by big pharma, no new therapies have been approved to treat Alzheimer’s in a decade. Between 2002 and 2012, 99.6% of expensive trials of drugs aimed at preventing, curing or improving the symptoms of Alzheimer’s failed or were discontinued, compared with 81% for cancer.
Experts argue this may be because trials are conducted too late, in patients whose condition has already gone too far…Prevention currently offers the clearest way forward.”
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