In the news: How non-invasive neurotechnology will enhance work and life
Our new report is making the media rounds…
Reuters: Brain technology patents soar as companies get inside people’s heads
From ways to eavesdrop on brains and learn what advertisements excite consumers, to devices that alleviate depression, the number of U.S. patents awarded for “neurotechnology” has soared since 2010, according to an analysis released on Wednesday.
“Neurotech has gone well beyond medicine, with non-medical corporations, often under the radar, developing neurotechnologies to enhance work and life,” Alvaro Fernandez said.
Network World: Brainwave-reading patents spike on increase in commercial mind-reading apps
One interesting patent example the SharpBrains cited (without revealing the patent holder’s identity) measures a subject’s threshold concentration to determine the appropriate time to allow a notification interruption.
CCTV-America: Virtual reality startups take users to another dimension
Market research firm SharpBrains says neurotech is extending into more industries than ever, with five times the number of non-invasive neurotech patents being granted today compared to a decade ago.
Wall Street Transcript: Nielsen leads the field in SharpBrains’ Report on Intellectual Property of Pervasive Neurotechnology
“Nielsen has made a substantial investment in neurotechnology over the past several years, which is reflected in the size of our patent portfolio,” said Joe Wilke, President, Nielsen Neuro. “It’s gratifying to be recognized by the SharpBrains study as the leader in this exciting new area.”
–> To learn more about pervasive neurotech and IP trends, you can enjoy this infographic and order this new 206-page report ($395).
Masterclass: Boost Your Mental Fitness & Resilience to Thrive in the Modern Workplace
SHARPBRAINS Advisors is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and sustainability. Learn more about our upcoming Masterclass: Boost your Mental Fitness & Resilience to Thrive in the Modern Workplace.