Final 6 hours to join online course How to Navigate Conventional and Complementary ADHD Treatments for Healthy Brain Development
Heads-up: Registration for the upcoming online course How to Navigate Conventional and Complementary ADHD Treatments for Healthy Brain Development, featuring Duke University’s Dr. David Rabiner, ends in less than 48 hours. Click Here to learn more and register. The course starts this Tuesday, May 12th!
Course description: In order to successfully promote children’s healthy brain development, every parent whose child has been diagnosed with ADHD should learn how to systematically navigate and monitor the range of potential ADHD treatments based on the latest scientific evidence. This course aims at providing the necessary information, frameworks and toolkits to make well-informed decisions, in conjunction with professional advice, about medication, behavioral therapy, exercise, neurofeedback, working memory training, meditation, diet and supplements.
By the end of this online course participants will have gained the understanding and information required to navigate, prioritize and monitor ADHD treatments, both conventional and complementary, to maximize short-term and long-term healthy brain development for children with ADHD.
–> Click Here to learn more and register (10%-off promotional code: sharp2015)