Silvia Damiano (About my Brain Institute): Why not democratise access to neuroscience?
What is your current job title and organization, and what excites you the most about working there?
I am the CEO of the About my Brain Institute, based in Sydney, Australia, with activities in Europe and North America. What excites me the most is working with the young talent in my organisation, as a great way to keep my brain young and continuously learning.
Please tell us about your interest in brain health and performance. What areas are you most interested in? What motivated you to pursue work in your field?
I had my own brain scanned last year and, being in the leadership space for so many years, I thought, this is great, but why not democratise access to neuroscience? I believe that being aware of our brain capabilities, and how to optimise them, is something that everybody needs to do. The brain is at the centre of what we do, it affects our decision-making process and the ability to lead ourselves and others effectively.
What is one important thing you are working on now, and where can people learn more about it?
We specialise in assessing personal leadership and organisational capability, allowing people to have unique insights into how agile, innovative, collaborative they are, as well as measuring items related to brain performance. At the moment we are expanding our global reach by certifying consultants, coaches, Organisational Development and Leadership specialists, as well as change agents and business leaders.
What are 1–2 key things you’d like every person to understand about his/ her own brain and mind, that you think are commonly misunderstood?
People tend to compare themselves with great leaders, such as Mandela, Churchill, Gandhi, and they immediately limit themselves thinking they could never be like them. The reality is that anyone can improve their leadership capability and learn the skills required to influence people and events. We can change the behaviours and habits that may be limiting our growth, and doing so we rewire our brains for the better, and then we continually develop the capabilities to maximize our unique potential.
Where do you see clear “low-hanging fruit” to shape the future and the practice of brain fitness?
I believe that educating those who teach young minds is the best way into the future. New solutions developed to enhance brain functionality should be within the reach of educators to help create a future generation of people who become more aware and conscious of the potential of their brains and minds.
What would you like the 2014 SharpBrains Virtual Summit to accomplish?
I would like to see the Summit reaching every corner of the planet so anyone can learn the importance of brain fitness.
Finally, if I may…what do YOU do to stay sharp?
I stay sharp by creating, learning and sharing. I believe that when we work on something we love, we are able to access the state of flow easier. We can then become more resourceful and better problem solvers, overcoming external obstacles and negative self-talk.
—This conversation is part of a new interview series with Sponsors & Speakers @ 2014 SharpBrains Virtual Summit (October 28–30th). You can register with a 10% discount using promotional code: sharp2014. Please join us!