No time for brain fitness and mental exercise? Solution: Watch less TV

time_tv10 maps that show how much time Amer­i­cans spend groom­ing, eat­ing, think­ing and pray­ing (The Wash­ing­ton Post):

The Amer­i­can Time Use Sur­vey is a trea­sure trove of data for under­stand­ing how Amer­i­cans spend their days. The sur­vey is essen­tial­ly a nation­al diary of how we work, play, sleep and even groom our­selves. The data can be parsed at the state lev­el too. Below are 10 maps show­ing the some­times sur­pris­ing region­al vari­a­tion in Amer­i­can time use…

Near­ly the entire leisure time dif­fer­ence between Utah and West Vir­ginia can be explained by TV view­ing habits in those states — West Vir­gini­ans spend about 90 more min­utes a day glued to the tube (more) than Utah res­i­dents. Over the course of a year that works out to dif­fer­ence of 68 8‑hour work­days — let that one sink in.”

Con­trast TV watch­ing with read­ing habits: a range of 123–218 min­utes vs. 13–29 min­utes per day, respectively.

Relat­ed article:


  1. Karen on November 12, 2019 at 5:26

    The evi­dence that stay­ing phys­i­cal­ly fit keeps your brain healthy into old age is espe­cial­ly com­pelling. Most con­crete is the link between aer­o­bic fit­ness and cog­ni­tive preser­va­tion. Work­outs needn’t be extreme either: 30–45 min­utes of brisk walk­ing, three times a week, can help fend off the men­tal wear and tear and delay the onset of demen­tia. It pays to get used to reg­u­lar exer­cise ear­ly, though. The pro­tec­tive effects are clear­est before the cog­ni­tive signs of old age kick in .

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