London, July 17th: Upgrading Education and Health in light of Neuroscience — The Frontier of Gaming?
We are delighted to invite SharpBrains friends to discover the future of applied neuroscience and gaming at a cocktail evening in London on Thursday July 17th, hosted by Brainbow in collaboration with Strategic North and SharpBrains.
17:30 — 18:15: Cocktails
18 15 — 18 30: Opening Remarks by Event Chair Prof. Olivier Oullier, Professor of Behavioural and Brain Sciences at Aix-Marseille University and Vice-Chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Neuroscience and Behaviour.
18:30 — 18:50: Keynote by Alvaro Fernandez, SharpBrains’ CEO & Co-Founder
“Retooling Brain Care With Low-Cost, Data-Driven Technologies”
Alvaro will be introducing his latest book for the first time in the UK. The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness: How to Optimise Brain Health and Performance at Any Age combines a user-friendly tutorial on how the brain works with evidence-based advice about how to choose and integrate lifestyle changes and brain-training applications. Alvaro, named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, runs SharpBrains, an independent market research firm tracking applied neuroscience. He has been quoted by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, AP and others, and has an MBA and MA in Education from Stanford University.
18:50 — 19:00: The Brainbow team will present publicly for the first time its new service, Peak, as an example of the opportunities discussed during the keynote. Interested parties will have exclusive access prior to the UK launch.
19:00 — 19:15: Q&A and discussion
19:15: Nibbles and more cocktails, of course… and many other surprises in the Peak Lab!
We look forward to welcoming our London friends on July 17th at Brainbow London HQ. This is an exclusive event with a limited capacity; please Contact Us by July 2nd if you’re interested in attending, indicating your name, professional affiliation and whether you’ve attended a SharpBrains Summit in the past or will attend the next one on October 28–30th, 2014.