Update: ¿Habla Español? Know someone who’d enjoy a great brain book in Spanish?
Time for SharpBrains’ February e‑Newsletter, this time featuring the global launch of our new book, in Spanish, Cómo invertir en su cerebro: Una guía SharpBrains para mejorar su mente y su vida, available already as a soft-cover and e‑book!
–> If you speak Spanish, please get a copy for yourself. También puede ver el video de la charla de presentación aquí (comienza en el minuto 5), y leer el artículo Esculpir el cerebro, mucho más allá de un sueño de Ramón y Cajal.
–> If you don’t speak Spanish, please share this with someone who does…we believe he or she will love the book! We’ve been working quite hard over the last year to deliver a great adaptation of The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness to “la lengua de Cervantes” — the jury is now out.
Some other news…
Brain Health Science & Practice:
- ADHD Study: Reducing the need for high medication doses with behavior therapy
- Study: Neurofeedback brain training can complement ADHD stimulant medications
- BRAIN Initiative: New call to action amidst growing skepticism
- Addressing cognitive deficits due to ADHD or leukemia/ brain tumor treatments
- “The vast majority…believe that cognitive training can work”
Digital Brain Health Industry & technology:
- Upcoming Webinar: The Digital Brain Health & Training Market in 2014
- Rosetta Stone as provider of “technology-based language-learning, reading and brain fitness solutions”
- On the perceived memory, cognitive benefits of playing casual video games
- Spiegel invests in brain training startup NeuroNation (Germany)
- The future of brainwave-enhanced media
- Who will be the personal brain trainers of the future?
Finally, please keep in mind that March 10–16th is 2014 Brain Awareness Week. Let’s all find a way to celebrate and invest in our most precious resource!