Brain Science Podcast features Alvaro Fernandez on brain fitness

brainsciencepodcastWe are hon­ored that the Brain Sci­ence Pod­cast devot­ed its spe­cial 100 episode to an in-depth inter­view with Alvaro Fer­nan­dez, dis­cussing the new book The Sharp­Brains Guide to Brain Fit­ness: How to Opti­mize Brain Health and Per­for­mance at Any Age (April 2013; 284 pages).

As Dr. Gin­ger Camp­bell, the pro­gram host, says, “Brain Fit­ness should not just be a con­cern for old­er peo­ple, it should become a key com­po­nent of a healthy lifestyle at any age. The Sharp­Brains Guide to Brain Fit­ness is a great first step.”

Alvaro Fernandez–> To enjoy the interview:

  • Lis­ten to inter­view Here (starts at 13:29)
  • Read full tran­script Here (opens PDF)


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SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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