Emerging consumer electronics to monitor and enhance brain functioning
Ten Innovative Ideas in Consumer Electronics (article by Bloomberg Businessweek reporting on CES 2013):
“Human monitoring
The human body can be monitored, too, allowing us all to perform better and live longer. HeartMath makes heart monitors that are worn daily and report results online directly to doctors…
Brain control
By monitoring brainwaves and converting them into energy, it is possible for humans to move physical objects simply by concentrating. Startup Interaxon is launching a $200 brain-sensing headband called the Muse. Initially it is being used as a video game controller, but there are plenty of possible business applications for people who want to move objects effortlessly.”
To learn more about the emerging field of digital brain health tools to monitor and enhance brain fitness, you can visit:
- Infographic on digital brain health trends
- 10 Predictions on How Digital Platforms will Transform Brain Health in 2013
- Market report: The Digital Brain Health Market 2012–2020: Web-based, mobile and biometrics-based technology to assess, monitor and enhance cognition and brain functioning