Update: Got Brain? Investing in Our Most Precious Asset in 2013
Time for SharpBrains’ December 2012 eNewsletter, featuring the forward-looking article Got Brain? Investing in Our Most Precious Asset in 2013: “Open a weekend New York Times or Wall Street Journal and you’ll find a whole section with detailed information and advice for individuals looking to invest wisely. What you will not find, however, is comparable information and advice for investing in your most important asset of all: your brain. Precisely because it (usually) does its job so smoothly and effectively, it’s all too easy to forget that your brain is there and that it needs to be invested in just as with anything else we value and want to continue reaping benefits from. And with more than 2 billion people worldwide currently suffering from brain-based health and productivity challenges with a resulting global economic burden of more than $2 trillion, it’s also an issue of some importance.” Click to keep reading.
Brain health Q&A with Dr. Sandra Chapman (January 4th, 2013): We are pleased to announce that Dr. Sandra Chapman, Director of the Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas and one of the most insightful speakers at the 2012 SharpBrains Virtual Summit, will be answering questions from SharpBrains readers on January 4th, 2013.
Webinar on The State of the Digital Brain Health Market (January 17th, 2013): We will discuss the main market findings and innovation opportunities identified in SharpBrains’ new market report with professionals who order the market report before January 17th, 2013. The list currently includes innovators at the Alzheimer’s Association, AnthroTronix, Arrowsmith Program, BCM Technologies, Brain Resource, Brain State Technologies, Cogmed, Cogniciti, Digital Artefacts, Hitachi, Jefferson Partners, Lumos Labs, NeoCogita, and Shire, among others.
Maximizing brain fitness and mental well-being improves both public health and individual quality of life: We’re having a good conversation among SharpBrains Summit participants, prompted by the blog post Lifelong brain wellness and performance–not medical disease–drives growing demand for digital brain health solutions.
That’s all until next year. Wishing you a very happy and productive 2013!
- The SharpBrains Team
PS1: Click to learn More about the report The Digital Brain Health Market 2012–2020: Web-based, mobile and biometrics-based technology to assess, monitor and enhance cognition and brain functioning:
PS2: Registered participants in previous SharpBrains Summits can order the market report at a discount before January 5th. Please contact us for details.