Join brain health Q&A with Dr. Sandra Chapman (January 4th, 2013)
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Sandra Chapman, Director of the Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas and one of the most thought-provoking speakers at the 2012 SharpBrains Virtual Summit, will be answering questions from SharpBrains readers on January 4th, 2013.
When: Friday, January 4th, 2013. 11am-noon US Pacific Time/ 2–3pm US Eastern Time.
Who: As a cognitive neuroscientist with more than 40 funded research grants, Dr. Sandra Bond Chapman’s scientific study elucidates and applies novel approaches to advance creative and critical thinking, strengthen healthy brain development, and incite innovation throughout life. Dr. Chapman’s research record and brain health breakthroughs have led to nationwide recognition and selection of the Center for BrainHealth as the single Virtual Center for the National Pediatric Acquired Brain Injury Plan to link all states with the most current assessment and training for brain injury. She is the co-author of the upcoming book Make Your Brain Smarter (Free Press, January 2013).
How: To set up an email reminder and to join the live discussion, click HERE.
At the time indicated above you will be able to submit written questions to be moderated by Alvaro Fernandez and answered by Dr. Chapman. The full transcript will be shared online after the event, for those who can’t participate live.