Study: MRI scan technicians can experience negative neurocognitive effects - SharpBrains
MRI work­ers expe­ri­ence tran­sient neu­rocog­ni­tive effects (News Medical): “Indi­vid­u­als work­ing in the vicin­i­ty of mag­net­ic res­o­nance imag­ing (MRI) machines may expe­ri­ence tran­sient neu­rocog­ni­tive effects when mov­ing their heads, research demonstrates…Study par­tic­i­pants who com­plet­ed stan­dard­ized head move­ments while inside the stray sta­t­ic mag­net­ic field of a 7 Tes­la (T) MRI sys­tem expe­ri­enced a tem­po­rary decrease in atten­tion,…