News: 2012 Summit Recordings are Available/ What Participants Say

The 2012 Sharp­Brains Vir­tual Sum­mit: Opti­miz­ing Health through Neu­ro­plas­tic­ity, Inno­va­tion and Data, held June 7–14th, con­cluded with a call to enhance brain health by har­ness­ing neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty-based appli­ca­tions, big data plat­forms and con­sumer inter­est to aug­ment the tra­di­tional reliance on dis­ease-based phar­ma­co­log­i­cal inter­ven­tions and frag­mented clin­i­cal trials.

All ses­sions held dur­ing the 2012 Sharp­Brains Vir­tual Sum­mit were record­ed, and all audio­vi­sual record­ings are avail­able now for online access until July 31th, 2013. How to Watch 2012 Sharp­Brains Sum­mit Recordings:

  1. If you already have login infor­ma­tion, you can sim­ply vis­it the Sum­mit Agen­da and click on the ses­sion you want to watch
  2. If you want to order 1‑year access to Sum­mit Record­ings, Click HERE. You can order the Full Record­ings for all 4‑Days of 2012 Sharp­Brains Sum­mit (includ­ing 2 days of Sum­mit, Expo Day, and Edu­ca­tional Work­shops; all for $325), or order the Record­ings cor­re­spond­ing to one par­tic­u­lar day ($150).

We are proud to report that 95% of respon­dents in a post-Sum­mit sur­vey expressed a High or Very High lev­el of sat­is­fac­tion with their Sum­mit expe­ri­ence and with the Qual­ity of Con­tent. We are even proud­er to have start­ed receiv­ing glow­ing endorse­ments from research lead­ers and indus­try inno­va­tors including:

  • The Sharp­Brains Sum­mit is a rare vehi­cle for get­ting mul­ti­ple expert per­spec­tives on cur­rent devel­op­ments in improv­ing brain func­tion in a con­cise and clear way…” — Dr. Michael Pos­ner, Pro­fes­sor Emer­i­tus, Uni­ver­sity of Oregon
  • The 2012 Sharp­Brains Sum­mit was fan­­tas­tic- it is clear that we are mov­ing into a new phase in study­ing human per­for­mance using big data…”Sheryl Fly­nn PT, PhD, CEO, Blue Mar­ble Games
  • An impres­sive vir­tual con­vo­ca­tion of lead­ing sci­en­tists and devel­op­ers and adopters of cog­ni­tive enhance­ment tech­nol­ogy…”Dr. Robert Bilder, Chief of Med­ical Psy­chol­o­gy-Neu­ropsy­chol­o­gy, UCLA Semel Insti­tute for Neuroscience
  • This was a sem­i­nal event, full of won­der­ful insights and remark­able ini­tia­tives, at a time when the brain is going main­stream.”- Dr. Evian Gor­don, Exec­u­tive Chair­man, Brain Resource
  • Great exam­ple of how bring­ing sci­en­tific lead­ers and inno­va­tors togeth­er can spur thought­ful dis­cus­sion about our most vital organ- the brain.”Dr. San­dra Bond Chap­man, Direc­tor, Cen­ter for Brain­Health at The Uni­ver­sity of Texas at Dallas
  • The Sharp­Brains Sum­mit is a great gath­er­ing place for the ‘inside edi­tion’ of what is hap­pen­ing at the neuroscience/consumer inter­face.”Joan Par­sons, CEO, start-up
  • Com­ing from far-off New Zealand, the Sharp­Brains Vir­tual Sum­mit was enlight­en­ing, excit­ing, inter­ac­tive, acces­si­ble, and left me feel­ing much less iso­la­tion in my mem­ory clin­ic work here.”Dr. Alli­son Lam­ont, Direc­tor, Christchurch Mem­ory Clinic
  • Great com­bi­na­tion of emerg­ing research with real life case stud­ies. It puts us sev­eral years ahead of what appears in more pop­u­lar pub­li­ca­tion sources and con­fer­ences.”Steve Zanon, Founder, Proac­tive Ageing

–> To Read the 18 Quotes and Endorse­ments by Sum­mit Par­tic­i­pants, Click HERE

–> How to Watch 2012 Sharp­Brains Sum­mit Recordings:

  1. If you already have login infor­ma­tion, you can sim­ply vis­it the Sum­mit Agen­da and click on the ses­sion you want to watch
  2. If you want to order 1‑year access to Sum­mit Record­ingsClick HERE. You can order the Full Record­ings for all 4‑Days of 2012 Sharp­Brains Sum­mit (includ­ing 2 days of Sum­mit, Expo Day, and Edu­ca­tional Work­shops; all for $325), or order the Record­ings cor­re­spond­ing to one par­tic­u­lar day ($150).

We thank all Sum­mit Par­tic­i­pants for hav­ing con­tributed to a fruit­ful and stim­u­lat­ing event. And we hope that many more Sharp­Brains friends can now ben­e­fit from watch­ing the Sum­mit Recordings.

About SharpBrains

SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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