10 Frequently Asked Questions about the 2012 SharpBrains Virtual Summit (June 7–14th, 2012)
Q: Where does the SharpBrains Summit take place?
A: The full Summit takes place online; you can access it from your computer anywhere you are connected to the internet. You don’t need to travel anywhere. Watch this 3‑minute video to see how it all works.
Q: Why not have a traditional conference in one place?
A: Because we want to bring you the best global speakers at the leading edge of research, market trends and best practices…in an economical way. Gathering the Summit’s extraordinary and diverse speaker roster in one place might be possible..but you’d be paying over $1,500 in combined registration fees and travel expenses. In comparison, the full cost of participating in 2012 SharpBrains Virtual Summit is under $450.
Q: How do you select speakers?
A: Speaking is by invitation only. As part of our work during the whole year we identify speakers responsible for the most promising research, technology solutions, and best practices. If you are interested in speaking in future years, the best way would be to participate this year and engage with us and the Summit community.
Q: If I register, for how long will recordings be available? I cannot participate in everything.
A: All sessions during the Summit itself, Expo and Workshops will be recorded and available for 12 months after the Summit.
Q: If I don’t register now, can I access those recordings after the Summit is over?
A: Yes, but you still will need to register, at $375, to have access to the full recordings.
Q: What is new this year vs. previous Summits?
A: We have added more practical, educational workshops, to the mix (included in registration fees). We heard a lot of feedback after previous Summits indicating that participants wanted to maintain the broad and forward-looking agenda, but also wanted to discuss more hands-on best practices and tips. So we decided to offer both. These are the five 75-minute workshops:
- How Nationwide Insurance rolled-out a Brain-based Corporate Wellness Initiative.
- How to Connect Neuroscience and Special Education: A School-based Example
- How to Set Up a Brain Fitness Center to Enhance Cognitive Retraining and Rehabilitation
- How to Improve Cognitive Care and Prolong Independence in Senior Living
- How to Educate Consumers to be their own “Brain Fitness Coaches”
Q: What other topics will be discussed this year?
A: You can consult the overall Summit Agenda here. We are right now working with speakers to ensure great discussions on topics like:
- Cognitive Health Coaching: Home-based Approach to Cognitive Monitoring
- Optimizing the Interaction between People and Technology
- Crowdsourcing Big Brain Data: The 90% Solution
- Brainomics: How Big Data Provides Gateway to Maximize Human Cognitive Performance
- Revamping Alzheimer’s Diagnosis, Prevention and Care
- Training Conditions For Video Games to Result in Real Brain-based Benefits
- What Brain Games Consumers Buy and Why
- Developing Brain Networks and Self-control
- Getting From Research to Product: Bringing Reliability and Validity to Commercial Ventures
- Brain Retraining for U.S. Drivers
- Getting get Evidence-Based Rehab Video Games Into the Hands of Users
Q: Who should attend? How can I connect with other participants?
A: You can consult this Sample of Participants in 2010/ 2011 SharpBrains Summits (opens PDF). Participants can connect with each other via multiple web chats during the Summit and via a members-only LinkedIn group.
Q: Do you offer CEUs?
A: We will provide, at no additional charge, a Certificate of Attendance equivalent to 24 hours of Continuing Education Units to those interested. Please note that we have not pursued external accreditation.
Q: Where do I register? Do you offer any special registration for full-time students?
A: You can Register Here. To get 15% off, please use promotional code: sharp2012.
Given multiple requests, we have decided to offer a discounted rate for full-time graduate/ postgraduate students.