Invitation to Sponsor/ Exhibit @ 2012 SharpBrains Virtual Summit (June 7–14th)
We invite organizations shaping the future of brain health and health overall to become Sponsors or Exhibitors @ 2012 SharpBrains Virtual Summit: Optimizing Health through Neuroplasticity, Innovation and Data (June 7–14th, 2012), in order to expand a critical conversation, engage an influencial community of early-adopters and decision-makers, and showcase innovative research, solutions, and services during the Summit Expo (June 12–13th).
You can learn more via this Sponsorship Brochure (opens PDF), and also consult this Sample of Participants in 2010/ 2011 SharpBrains Summits (opens PDF). Participants in previous SharpBrains Virtual Summits include:
- A Working Mind, Inc.; Chief Medical Officer
- AAA California; CMO
- AARP; Director of Academic Affairs
- AARP; Strategy and Planning Director
- AB Neurocare; Physician
- ABHOW; Assistant Vice President
- Abington Memorial Hospital; Emeritus Chair Department of Psychiatry
- Aged CAre Team, St Vincents Hospital; Clinical Neuropsychologist
- Alberta Health Services ; Nurse Clinician
- Alegent Health Immanuel Medical Center; Clinical Support Services Executive
- Algoma University; Strategic Advisor Computer Game Technology
- Allstate Insurance Company; Asst. VP — Resaerch
- Alzheimer’s Association Northern California & Northern Nevada; CMO
- Amica Mature Lifestyles, Inc.; Corporate Manager of Wellness & Vitality
- Apply Imagination!; Principal Muse
- Attention Control Systems, Inc; Founder and President
- Ball State University; Professor Emeritus & Director Fisher Institute
- Bangor University; Manager, Wales Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
- Barrow Neurological Institute; Director
- Baycrest; President & CEO
- Baylor College of Medicine; Researcher
- BCMT; Researcher
- Belmont Village; Vicepresident Memory Programs
- BKIN Technologies; President & CEO
- Bon Secours New York Health System; Strategic Performance Manager
- Bradley A. Schuyler, Ph.D.; Neuropsychologist
- Brain Equanimity Center; Owner
- Brain Fitness of; Managing Physician
- Brain Mind & Memory Institute; Research Manager
- Brain Resource Ltd; General Manager
- BrainAdvantage, LLC; General Manager
-; Researcher/Writer
- BrightStar; CEO
- Campbell Soup Company; Vice President Global Nutrition and Health
- CatalystRx; CMO
- Center for Cognition and Recovery; Executive Director
- Center for Hearing, Speech and Language; Director of Children and Adolescent Clinical Services
- Center for Life Management; Licensed Mental Health Counselor
- Center for Technology and Aging; Executive Director
- Center For Transformational Medicine; Neurotherapist
- Centrelink; Psychologist
- CFIT; Executive Director
- Choratech; Founder
- Club One, Inc.; Chief Technology Officer
- Cogmed; CEO
- CogniBeat; Founder
- CogniFit; President and Founder
- Cognitive Media; President
- Cognuse; Founder
- Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; Professor, Clinical Neuropsychology
- Dakim; VP Bus. Dev.
- Dakim BrainFitness; CEO
- Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center; Regional Education Coordinator
- Department of Psychiatry, University of Louisville School of Medicine; Professor and Vice Chair
- East Wake Academy; Headmaster
- EDGE Innovation Network; Executive Director
- Edvice/Academic Therapists Association; Director
- Encinitas Learning Center; Speech Pathologist
- EST Foundation Ltd; Managing Director
- Express Creative Speech Therapy; Speech pathologist
- Family vision & learning center; Developmental optometrist
- FDA/CDRH/ODE/DONED; Biomedical Engineer
- Feeding Your Kids Program for the Clinton Global Initiative; Content Architect
- FitLife Club Network; Executive Director
- Folsom Lake College; Professor of Biology
- Forensics Plus; Neuropsychology & Psychotraumatology
- Foundation For Learning Development; President, Psychologist
- Foundation Thinkagain ; Founder and president
- Greek Association of Alzheimer’s Disease; Psychologist
- Greenville Hospital System; Speech-Language Pathologist
- HAPPYNeuron; CEO
- Harvard Business Review; Editor
- HealthComm Inc.; President
- Human Dimension Task Force; Senior Consultant
- Human Performance Group; President
- Indiana Speech Language and Hearing Association; Speech-Language Pathologist
- Innovation Endeavors; Entrepreneur-In-Residence
- Institute for Behavioral Health Informatics; Chair
- Institute for Personal Excellence, P.A.; President
- Institute For The Future; Program Director
- Intel’s Digital Health Group; Senior Researcher
- Intel’s Digital Health Group; Senior Design Researcher & Strategist
- InteraXon; Chief Executive Officer
- International Society for Neurofeedback and Research; President
- Johnson & Johnson; Director, New Business Development
- Keystone Neuro Rehab, Inc.; President & CEO
- Klik Mental Fitness; Director
- LEAF Ltd; President
- Learning Insights; Psychologist
- LearningRx Indianapolis; Executive Director
- LifeTime Brain Fitness LLC; Owner
- Los Angeles County Dept of Public Health; Research Analyst
-; CEO
- MaRS; Practice Lead, Healthcare and Life Sciences
- Mayo Clinic; Neuropsychologist
- McMaster University; Ph.D. Candidate
- Medical Wellness Centre; MD
- Medisolve Inc; President
- Memorial Home, Inc.; Wellness Center Director
- Memory Arts LLC; President
- Mente en Forma; Director
- MindMatters Learning & Counseling; Psychologist
- Mindware Lab; Research scientist
- Mobility Works; Kinesiologist/Owner
- ModernBrain; CEO
- Montgomery County Public Schools; Instructional Specialist
- MSIP, Mental Health clinic; Psychotherapist
- National Resource Ctr. Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes; Director of Operations and Communication
- NEMHC; Manager, Research and QI
- NeuroCognitive Fitness LLC; CEO
- Neuroimage Inc.; President and Senior Consultant
- Neuroptimal; VP of Sales and Marketing
- Neurotechnology Industry Organization; Founder
- nognz brain fitness; Founder
- Northern Virginia Community College; Program Director
- Nutrition Science Solutions; Chief Science Officer
- Oakland Unified School District; Adult Ed Teacher
- One Laptop Per Child; Country Representative
- Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation; Senior Policy Adviser
- Optiminds; Owner
- Optum Health Behavioral Services; CMO Strategy and Innovation
- OptumHealth; Mktg Mgr
- OptumHealth; Vice President, Employee Assistance Programs
- Origin Active Lifestyle Communities; General Manager
- Over Drive My Brain Institute; Director of Research
- P&G; Healthcare Technology Manager
- Pearson; Assessment Consultant
- Penguin Group; CFO
- Piedmont Gardens; Community Services Director
- Pilgrim Haven; Director, Residential Services Programs
- Practice in Psychiatry; Geriatric Psychiatrist
- Private Practice; Psychiatrist
- Private Practice; Occupational Therapist
- Private Practice; Neurologist
- Private Practice; Neuropsychologist
- Proactive Ageing Pty Ltd; Company Director
- PsychologyToday; Writer/ Blogger
- Q‑COMP (The Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Authority); Senior Education Advisor
- Queen’s University Belfast; Postgraduate Research Student
- Redwood Terrace; Administrator of Health Services
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Senior Program Officer
- SCAN Health Plan; Director, Community Programs
- School District 47; Cogntion Therapist
- Shell Point Retirement Community; Director of Resident Life
- Sheridan Elder Research Centre (SERC); Researcher
- Sheridan Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning; Director
- Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning; Research Coordinator
- Smartbrains Polska; Partner
- Southern Oregon University; Director PRS-SOU Management of Aging Services prog
- Sovereign Health; Scienitific Advisor
- Spanda Inc; Clinic Director
- Stanford Universty; Postdoctoral researcher
- Stantord Media X; Executive Director
- Still Hopes Episcopal Retirement Community; Director of Wellness
- Strategic Frontiers, LLC; Owner
- Sun Microsystems; Sr. Services Product Mgr
- Tarnow Center for Self Management; Speech Language Pathologist
- Technologies for Aging Gracefully TAGlab; Senior Researcher
- The Balanced Brain; Owner
- The Bethany Group; Psychologist
- The George Greenstein Institute, Inc.; Founder/CEO
- The NeuroDevelopment Center; Director
- The Synapse Connection; Founder
- The Wellness Alliance; President
- TheraPeeds, Inc; Occupational Therapist
- Trinity College Dublin; Academic Developer
- U.S. News & World Report; Writer
- UC-Berkeley Cognitive Control and Development Lab; Researcher
- UCSF; Assistant Professor
- UMDNJ; Director of Educational Programs
- United HomeCare; President and CEO
- University of British Columbia; Professor
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Gerontology Graduate Student
- University of South Florida; Assistant Professor
- University of Southern California; Rita and Edward Polusky Professor
- University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology; Director of Internship Training
- University of Toronto / OHTN; Associate Professor / Scientific DIrector
- USAA; P Staff Underwriter
- USC Gerontology; Asst Clinical Professor
- vibrantBrains; CEO/Co-founder
- Vigorous Mind, Inc.; CEO
- Waukesha Memorial Hospital; Neuropsychologist
- WellBeingMD, LTD; Physician
- Wellness Alliance; President
- Westminster Communities of Florida; Wellness Coordinator
Winter Park Health Foundation; Program Director
- Wunderling Learning Center; Educational Therapist
- Yale University; Professor
- Young Drivers of Canada; President
- Your Health Your Choice Foundation; Director of Education
To Learn More:
- How to Become a Summit Sponsor or Exhibitor
- How to Register at early-bird rates (before April 30th)
- How to Become a Summit Partner
If you have any questions, please Contact Us.
Masterclass: Boost Your Mental Fitness & Resilience to Thrive in the Modern Workplace
SHARPBRAINS Advisors is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and sustainability. Learn more about our upcoming Masterclass: Boost your Mental Fitness & Resilience to Thrive in the Modern Workplace.