A Brain Store to Find the Right Brain Fitness Products
Babyboomers, worried about dementia, are looking for ways to keep their brain active. Board games and brain fitness software programs are part of the answer. However it is not always easy to find and compare these products. This article shows how Marble: The Brain Store has developed a very interactive retail experience to help consumers find the products that are right for them.
Note that we will have a chance to learn more about the concept as Lindsay Gaskins, CEO of Marbles, will be speaking at the SharpBrains Summit this month (March 30 — April 1).
Marbles is making its mark with entertainment and service. This is not a typical game store. Employees are called brain coaches, not sales associates, and are trained on how to play the hundreds of games and puzzles and software in the store.
Like a bookstore, Marbles divides its products by subject: critical thinking, memory, coordination, visual perception and word skills. The store carries 250 products […] There are games for fine-motor skills, stress relief, attention deficit disorder, creativity and dyslexia, just to name a few.