Mea­sure Your Men­tal Speed and Flex­i­bil­ity with this Interactive Stroop Test

Here is a fun and inter­ac­tive ver­sion of the famous Stroop test. This test is used in neu­ropsy­cho­log­i­cal eval­u­a­tions to mea­sure men­tal speed and flex­i­bil­ity, the hall­marks of exec­u­tive func­tions. Per­form­ing well on the test requires strong atten­tion and self-regulation.

Your job is to name the col­ors of the words. Do NOT read the words but the col­or of the ink used to write the words. For exam­ple, if the word “GREEN” is print­ed in a red col­or, you should say “RED” (and refrain from say­ing “GREEN”!)

Speed mat­ters so try to say the col­ors as fast as you can. A nice fea­ture here: You will be able to record your reac­tion times.

Ready. Set. GO


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  1. Todd on March 15, 2011 at 6:16

    Wow, that is a lot hard­er than I thought it would be!

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