Top 10 Psychology Studies from 2010

David DiS­al­vo, a sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy writer whose posts we share with you reg­u­lar­ly, has just pub­lished his selec­tion of the 2010 psy­chol­o­gy stud­ies real­ly worth know­ing about.

A great tour of the brain and psy­chol­o­gy that leads us from how many of our wak­ing hours are ded­i­cat­ed to day dream­ing, how the impres­sion we are try­ing to give when meet­ing some­one influ­ences how we eval­u­ate the oth­er per­son, to how a con­fi­dent pos­ture gives a bio­chem­i­cal advan­tage that increas­es feel­ings of pow­er and tol­er­ance of risk. Enjoy!


  1. T. Lavon Lawrence on December 17, 2010 at 8:34

    The 46.9% mind wan­der­ing num­ber is shock­ing, but not sur­pris­ing. I’ve seen a cou­ple stud­ies over the past few years on the mat­ter, such as the 2007 Uni­ver­si­ty of North Car­oli­na at Greens­boro study with its num­ber of around 30%. The entire mat­ter is shock­ing, because those ranges are for NORMAL brains, not tak­ing into account those who suf­fer from ADHD. These are folks who are dri­ving around in auto­mo­biles, oper­at­ing air­craft, work­ing on med­ical staffs, dri­ving pub­lic tran­sit, and cook­ing our meals in restau­rants. This is why brain train­ing is so impor­tant; why learn­ing to get con­trol of one’s atten­tion can lit­er­al­ly trans­form one’s life expe­ri­ence. Thanks for the update regard­ing the great article.

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