Talk @ UCLA Technology & Aging Conference

Quick note: I will be speak­ing at the UCLA Tech­nol­o­gy & Aging Con­fer­ence on Fri­day, Octo­ber 29th, in Los Ange­les. Please drop me a line or intro­duce your­self if you are plan­ning to attend.

The Sched­ule fea­tures many good ses­sions, includ­ing one on Brain Fitness:

  • Descrip­tion: Grow­ing sci­en­tif­ic evi­dence sug­gests that such strate­gies as phys­i­cal and men­tal exer­cise can improve brain health and cog­ni­tive per­for­mance. This ses­sion will review the lat­est research sup­port­ing brain fit­ness meth­ods, high­light new cog­ni­tive train­ing devices, and dis­cuss the chal­lenge of deter­min­ing the effec­tive­ness of these technologies.
  • Speak­ers: Bill Reich­man (Bay­crest), Steven Aldrich (Posit Sci­ence), Gary & Rita Con­si­dine (Gar­ri Pro­duc­tions), Alvaro Fer­nan­dez of (Sharp­Brains).
  • Mod­er­a­tor: Gary Small (UCLA Cen­ter on Aging).

To learn more and reg­is­ter: click Here.

About SharpBrains

SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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