Cognitive Enhancement via Pharmacology AND Neuropsychology, in The New Executive Brain - SharpBrains
(Edi­tor’s Note: giv­en the grow­ing media atten­tion to three appar­ent­ly sep­a­rate worlds ‑cog­ni­tive enhance­ment via drugs, brain fit­ness train­ing soft­ware, com­put­er­ized neu­rocog­ni­tive assessments‑, I found it refresh­ing to see our co-founder Elkhonon Gold­berg intro­duce the top­ic of cog­notrop­ic drugs with an inte­gra­tive per­spec­tive in the much updat­ed new edi­tion of his clas­sic book, now titled…
Alvaro Fernandez